Renewing your open banking consent in order to continue to receive data from your financial institution via Open Banking is an easy process.
NOTE: Consent is valid for up to 12 months, depending on the period selected. Prior to the consent expiry date you must renew your consent by following the below process. Failure to renew consent prior to expiry will result in deletion, loss of data and discontinuation of feeds.
To renew your Open banking consent:
- Navigate to 'Net worth' from the menu on the left of your portal.
- In the Net worth area, locate and click on the account you want to renew consent for.
- The wealth item's details open. Click 'Manage consent'.
A window appears with the current consent details for that bank account/s.
Click 'Renew my consent'.
NOTE: Prior to 'Renew my consent', you may wish to view your consent information by clicking the link shown. This will download a pdf copy of your consent information such as data being shared and date of consent given and expiry.
- The consent information is shown. Be sure to read through each area of consent using the drop down arrow to expand the information. Click 'I Consent'.
A new browser window will open as part of your banking institution.
Enter in your Internet banking client ID and click 'Continue'.
Enter your password into the field provided and click 'Continue'.
The accounts you have shared with your client portal are automatically selected. Click 'Continue'.
A confirmation screen will appear to show you the accounts that will have consent renewed and shared with your client portal. Click 'Authorize'.
Once you have confirmed the consent, you are taken back to your client portal where confirmation of the accounts being shared is shown. Click 'Save & Finish'.
The client portal shows a message to advise that the data is being carried over from your financial institution. Click 'OK'.
- Once your accounts have refreshed, your portal dashboard will display the Accounts.
- Your consent has been renewed and is valid for up to 12 months (depending on the period selected) from the date of renewal. You can check your consent start and expiry dates at any time by downloading the consent confirmation as shown in step 5 above.
- Navigate to 'Net worth' from the menu on the left of your portal.
NOTE: Depending on your financial institution, steps 5-10 above may vary slightly.