Once your financial professional has granted you access to your Portal, you can upload all of your documents into a secure and reliable area for quick reference and storage.
The system has some predetermined folders for you to add your information to or you can also add custom folders to organise your documents accordingly.
Add a custom folder
Edit/rename a Tax or Advice folder
Delete a folder
To add a custom folder:
Navigate to 'Docs' from the menu on the left hand side of your portal.
When adding a custom folder to your Docs area, you have three choices. To add a custom Tax, Advice, or General folder.
a) To add a custom Tax folder or Advice folder, click on the Tax or Advice section and select 'Add' from within the subheading.
A pop-up window opens. If creating a Tax folder, Select the Tax year and Team member the folder is for and then click 'Save & Exit'.
If adding an Advice folder, select the team member the folder is for, and click 'Save & Exit'.
b) To add a custom general folder, click 'Create folder'
A popup window appears. Give the folder a name and click 'Save & Exit'.
- Once your Tax, Advice or General folder has been created, it can be found in your Docs area and you are ready to organise your documents as necessary.
To edit and/or rename a Tax or Advice folder:
1. Navigate to the Tax or Advice folder and click the 'Edit' pencil.
2. You can now edit details of the folder as necessary. Make your changes and click 'Save Details'.
3. Your folder's details have now been updated.
To delete a folder:
1. Navigate to the folder you want to delete.
2. a) If deleting a 'General' folder, simply click on the rubbish bin icon next to the folder name.
b) If deleting a Tax or Advice folder, locate the folder, click the 'Edit' pencil and click the rubbish bin icon.
3. A pop-up box will appear, to confirm the deletion click 'Confirm'
NOTE: Any files stored within the folder will be permanently deleted.
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