If you made or received one transaction for a number of items that belong in different categories, you may need to split the transaction and account for each part separately.
The portal enables you to allocate/split the categorisation of a single transaction for better accuracy of your income and spending.
- In your portal, navigate to Cashflow and find the transaction you want to split.
- Click on the transaction to open more details.
Select ' More actions'> 'Split this transaction'.
3. A pop-up box will open for you to split the transaction.
Note: By default, the system gives you 2 transaction lines. You can add more transactions if required.
You can change the amount, description, category and assign a tax tag.
The system will calculate the amount left to allocate in the bottom left corner of the pop-up box as you are splitting the transaction to ensure that the total is correct.
Once you are done, click Submit'
4. Now that the transaction has been split, you will find those transactions under their new respective categories.
For more information about category view and filters, click here.