Your portal is a wonderful way to keep track of all your Assets and Liabilities for a complete snapshot of your financial world.
To add a Wealth item:
1. From your Dashboard, within the Net Worth area click 'View all'.
2. Once in Net worth, click 'Add'.
3. A slide-out window opens. Click the arrow next to either Asset or Liability (depending on the Wealth item you are adding.
4. A list of Wealth item categories are shown.
Click on the arrow next to the Wealth item you want to add, then click 'Next'.
5. Depending on the Wealth item you are adding, the next steps will vary.
Property & Motor Vehicle
If adding a property, type in the property's address and the data feed with Core Logic will automatically bring through the value and other details.
Similarly when adding a Motor Vehicle, record the make, model, year and body shape and the data feed with Redbook will automatically bring through the value and other details.
Bank accounts/Term Deposits/Superannuation/Investment Portfolios/Loans/Credit Cards
You have two options when adding these types of wealth items:
Option 1: Link your account to a data feed with your financial institution to your portal. This will automatically bring through your accounts, their balances and transactions.
Option 2: Manually add your bank account (no data feed)
Option 1: Select your financial institution from the drop down list.
Enter the username & password associated with your financial institution and click 'Next' .
The portal will connect the data feed which may take a few minutes.
NOTE: Please read our security policy which is located on the bottom of the screen.
Option 2: Select 'Manually add account balance', input the account name, loan provider and value and click 'Next'.
6. Once you have finished adding a Wealth item a confirmation message will show.
Continue adding more Wealth items as necessary by clicking 'Let's add more' and following the steps listed above, or click 'I'm all done' to return to Net worth.
7. The Net worth overview value will change according to the items you have added and a breakdown of Assets and Liabilties by item type can be seen.
For a detailed overview of your net worth, click 'Go to net worth overview'.
8. Your net worth overview is shown and can be downloaded as a PDF report by clicking 'Download report'.
To edit your Wealth items from here, click 'See details' and make changes as necessary.