To complete a Task:
1. Click 'Tasks' from the menu on the left of your portal OR from the Tasks area in the Dashboard.
Note: If selecting the Task from the Dashboard, go straight to step 3.
2. Locate the Task within the Tasks area.
To complete, click on the icon under the 'Action' column
3. The Task opens. Ensure you action the task as necessary.
For eSignature Tasks:
Clicking 'Sign now' will open the document for you to electronically sign.
Once you have signed the documents, the Task is automatically marked as complete.
For Digital Forms Tasks:
Clicking 'Fill now' will open the digital form for you to complete.
Once the form is complete and you have submitted it, the Task is automatically marked as complete.
For general Tasks:
Action the task as necessary. If you need to upload documents, upload or drop them into the 'Documents' space provided.
When done, click 'Mark as complete'.
4. Back in the Tasks area under the 'Completed' list, the status now shows as 'Complete', all reminder notifications will cease and a notification email is automatically sent to the assignee to let them know.
If documents were attached to the Task, they are automatically stored within the 'Docs' area of your portal.