To edit a Task:
1. Click 'Tasks' from the menu on the left of your portal.
2. Once in the Task area, locate the Task and click 'Edit'.
3. A slide-out window opens. Adjust the Task's fields as required
Field 1- Status: the status of the Task
Field 2- Task: Task description
Field 3- Assigned to: The person responsible for completing the task.
Field 4- Due date: This will automatically default to 10 days from the current date but can be adjusted.
Field 5- Reminders: This will be set by default to "Automatic" (Automatic reminder frequency occurs 90, 30, 21,14, 7, 3 and 1 day before the task is due. If a task is overdue, this frequency continues until 90 days after the due date). Reminders can be amended to Daily, Never, etc and you can choose when those reminders begin.
Field 6- Notes: Any notes relating to the to-do can be added here.
Once your changes have been made, click 'Save'.
4. Once saved, a confirmation message appears and the Tasks list reflects the update.