If you have recorded your entities within your 'Team' area, you are able to send your financial professional a request to create a workspace for that entity.
To request a workspace for an entity:
1. From the menu on the left of your portal, Click 'Admin'>'Team'.
2. Locate the existing entity within your Team, click on the entity's name and then click 'Request Client workspace'.
3. A slide-out window opens. By default the name and type of entity are set.
Select the person you would like to add as a connection and choose their relationship to the entity.
Add notes if required and click 'Save'
4. An automatic email notification is sent to your financial professional requesting the entity workspace and a 'Pending request' message will display within the entity's details.
5. Your primary professional will review the workspace request and action as necessary.
If the request is approved, an email is sent to the connection (nominated in step 4), inviting them to join the entity workspace.
If the request is rejected, the requestee will recieve an email to advise.
For more information about a rejected workspace request, contact your primary professional.