To make your reporting easier to navigate, categories are grouped based on Income and Expenditure headings (groups) . For example, Electricity & Telephone Services are grouped under the 'Bills' group.
You can use the default grouping or customise your own preferenced groups.
Note: Your financial professional may have already organised cashflow categories for you based on their preferences and recommendations.
To access your Cashflow categories, click 'Tools'>'Manage categories' from the Cashflow area
To delete existing groups, simply clicking the 'X' to the right of the group Name.
To create a new group, simply click Create category group and add the Name you would like to add.
To move a category to a group, drag and drop the desired category to your desired group using the eight dots area to the left of the category name.
If things get out of hand, you can always revert back to the default grouping by clicking on the “Use default grouping” action, or just click cancel and get out of the screen.
If you’d prefer to start from scratch, ungroup all categories by clicking on “Ungroup all” and go from there.
Don’t forget to click “Save” to apply your changes.